Breanna Weible
Office Manager
Breanna obtained her BS in Global Business from ASU, and started with VX3 working as a bookkeeper in 2012. Currently as VX3’s Controller, she not only handles the finances, but keep everything straight with our vendors, freelancers, service provider and clients. She has been in the production industry for 9 years with additional background in hospitality running restaurants. Breanna says, “I love the team I work with and truly enjoy seeing the magic they put together to bring our clients visions to life!” Recently she has been training with technicians to learn more aspects of the industry, pretty soon you might even see her on show site…
She loves traveling with her husband Charles and her kids Charles and Olivia. When not exploring somewhere new or being the best mom possible, she likes to put here Amateur Sommelier skills to use with her and Charles excellent ability to put on a BBQ fit for royalty.